Innoptus Solar Team

The Infinite is one of the most innovative and efficient solar cars that the Innoptus Solar Team has built. This team of Belgian engineering students from KU Leuven can count on Innoptus & Infinite as the main sponsor for the coming years!

This October the students competed with the Infinite at the World Solar Challenge where they finished first, just like the last edition. Back-to-back champions!

October 26, 2023: World champion!

The Infinite is the first to cross the finish line! Making the Belgian team World champions once again! Their ultimate goal. After 15 months of work on their solar car, they are the first the arrive in Adelaide. It is the second time that the Innoptus Solar Team becomes World Champion.

October 22nd – October 26th 2023: On your marks? Set. Go!

On October 22nd the race started. 3021 kilometres through the Australian Outback, from Darwin to Adelaide. Solely powered by solar energy. Who brings home the title? We’ll know in a few days.

September 2023: On the road

Time to fly! We waved the Infinite goodbye at the end of August, when she left for Australia by plain. 

Two weeks later, the team leaves as well. Giving them a month to test the car, do final adjustments and acclimate to the weather. This way they are fit to compete!

August 2023: Race simulations

Time to test! The students are bringing the car to the test track to test it thoroughly. How does it drive? How does it react in certain circumstances? Are all systems functioning as designed? Everything is to be as prepared as possible.

July 2023: Into the tunnel

To make sure the Infinite is streamlined to the max, the team did a lot of CFD simulations. Now the team takes it to the wind tunnel to examine whether the simulations correspond to reality.

Based on these results, some last-minute minor adjustments will be made before the solar car flies off to Australia.

July 14, 2023: New car, new name!

Meet the Infinite, the 10th Belgian Solar Car!

A fitting name for the newest car of the Innoptus Solar Team, since Ansys solutions from Infinite had a big impact on the design. Thanks to many simulations, the team was able to design a super aerodynamic vehicle to compete with during the World Solar Challenge in October.

Every two years, the students design a completely new car, based on ideas, simulations and experiments. The other year, they innovate and improve the current vehicle.

Questions? We are here to help!